Version 2.1.3
Bug fixes for macOS Sierra and Safari 10.
Version 2.1.2
Added menu item to duplicate existing keywords.
Fixed bug where "Reset Safari" would delete all keywords.
Bug fixes for the Edit Keywords UI.
Retina toolbar icon hopefully (untested).
Version 2.1.1
Bug fixes for Safari 6.
Version 2.1
Added support for using KeySearch via the address bar.
Version 2.0
Completely rewritten for Safari 5.1.
Replaced toolbar with popover that make showing and hiding easier.
Settings and Edit Keywords windows now appear within popover also.
Version 1.5.1
Keyword specific keyboard shortcuts.
Source code now available on GitHub.
Version 1.5
Export a backup of your keywords.
Import keywords from Firefox, Keywurl or a KeySearch backup.
Updated user interface in Edit Keywords window.
Type @keywords, @settings, @import, @export into modal search to avoid having to show bar.
Lots of bug fixes.
Version 1.4
Keyboard shortcuts can now use Control, Command, Option and Shift modifier keys.
Holding the Command key forces search results to open in a new tab regardless of your settings.
You can now choose whether showing and hiding the toolbar affects all windows or just the active one.
Spaces in searches become "+" in urls instead of "%20".
Right-clicking on a search box and choosing "Create keyword for this search" is now more reliable.
Version 1.3
Right-click any search box and choose "Create keyword for this search"
Optional "Name" field to describe your keywords
Keywords are sorted alphabetically in list
Modal Search now works with multiple windows open
Improved keyboard shortcut reliability (needs more work)
"Show/Hide KeySearch Bar" in View menu now works
Version 1.2
Unicode characters now supported in keywords and queries
Custom keyboard shortcut can be chosen from the settings
Use > query to search for query in using Google
Use > query to search for query on the current site using Google
Version 1.1
Updated look and feel of modal popup
Keyboard shortcut now more reliable
Predefined keywords now work before Edit Keywords is clicked
Keywords are validated to ensure they are unique
Default search added
Address is displayed as you type
Version 1.0
Initial Release