Frequently Asked Questions
These are the most commonly asked questions about KeySearch. If you can't find what you are looking for, try posting in our Feedback Forum or contact us via email.

What is KeySearch?
KeySearch is a Safari extension - a small add-on that brings extra functionality to Safari. The main purpose of KeySearch is to make it quicker and easier to search the internet, using 'keywords' to specify which site you want to search.
On any page, you can bring up the KeySearch bar by simply clicking a button or pressing a keyboard shortcut. Then just enter a keyword and a search query, and press Return to perform you search.
How do I use the keyboard shortcut on empty pages and Top Sites?
Unfortunately, this is a limitation of Safari extensions. The best way to fix this is to submit a feedback request to Apple asking them to improve keyboard shortcut support for extensions.
In the mean time, there is a way to fix the keyboard shortcut on empty pages. In the Safari preferences, change the "New windows open with" dropdown menu from "Empty Page" to "Home Page" and set the home page to "about:blank". New windows will still open with an empty page, but now the KeySearch keyboard shortcut will work.
The one drawback of this is that the address bar is not automatically focused, so you can't start typing a new web address straight away when you open a new window. Fortunately, the keyboard shortcut Command-L will focus the address bar. Similarly, Command-Option-F will focus the Google search box.
Can I use a keyword without a search query?
Yes of course! Keywords aren't just useful for search. You can assign them to any web address you want, and use them as a quick way to access your favourite sites. For example, you could use yt to take you to YouTube, or fb to take you to Facebook.
KeySearch also comes with an "Open URL" keyword, set to "!" by default. With this, you can just type ! followed by a URL and KeySearch will take you to the address.
Can I search via the address bar?
Yes! Just make sure you have KeySearch 2.1 or later, and you are good to go. Simply type your search in the address bar in the same way you would do in the KeySearch field. The keyboard shortcut Command-L is useful for focusing the address bar.
How do I create a backup of my keywords?
Just use the Export function. This can be accessed by clicking the action button next to the new keyword button in the bottom left of the Edit Keywords window. If you ever accidentally delete your keywords or want to add them to another computer, just use the Import function.